Power Lunch

This was going to be a blog about international relations and politics from a New Zealand perspective, with a recipe thrown in every now and then. Hence the snappy title. It has since evolved into a place where I post anything I want.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Holy Cow!

I read thiswhole post without realising the guy who wrote it was only a year younger than me. It would be so sad if it wasn't so funny. I particularly like the bits about how many lovely ladies he's 'courting.' What a tool!


Blogger BerlinBear said...

Don't think you've quite got the link thing working yet, Charlie. that link is to the gif image for the link button in blogger.

12:49 AM  
Blogger Just my opinion said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:06 AM  
Blogger Blair said...

I'm so thoroughly amused at the calibre of my detractors. But then I think people who had it together in their own lives wouldn't feel the need to obsess over mine.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Charlie Tan said...


I'm just taking your advice, my man. You did tell me to write something about this on my own blog, and so I did.


9:54 PM  
Blogger Just my opinion said...

You did invite him to say so Blair.
Freedom of speech and all that. Something you obviously feel the need to explain to us all. :)

12:47 AM  
Blogger Charlie Tan said...

Cheers Heine.

1:29 AM  
Blogger Charlie Tan said...

Do you think perhaps he's trying to spark a flame war? It seemed to do something for his ego last time.

1:50 AM  
Blogger Blair said...

I started nothing. You were the one who attacked me on my blog without provocation. And what you choose to put on your blog is up to you. My comment was actually aimed at Clint.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thoroughly diagree. He/She/They are a misunderstood genius. How can you miss the joke!

3:14 PM  
Blogger Just my opinion said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

Clint, please. The only time I have met you, you were drunk and spent the whole time making fart jokes.

You have been exposed as a liar and now you are being bitchy about it. Please accept the situation and get on with your life.

I would actually like Charlie Tan, if in fact he is not yet another construct, to explain just what he found immature about my behaviour. All he has come up with so far is my pursuit of five women at the same time. That possibly makes me an opportunist, but I'm not sure how it makes me juvenile. I would also like to ask why he did not express the same sentiments regarding the two girls who were the subject of the original post.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Charlie Tan said...

Fart jokes can be quite funny in context.

Blair, your post speaks for itself. I've directed quite a few of my friends to it and they all agree you're a bit of a plonker. I think some of them know who you are as well. But if you can't see why I find it all so amusing, perhaps you need to contact a shrink. I could explain it all for you, but it is kind of like explaining knock-knock jokes to Germans. If I have to lay it all out, it just wouldn't be as much fun.

Heine, I'll bite. You'll have my e-mail presently.


10:59 PM  
Blogger Just my opinion said...

I don't know any fart jokes, I do believe I was making jokes about you and your "courting" methods.

I remember and have been reminded about our conversation many times since. And no, I haven't been caught out as a liar, where did you get that from?

2:29 AM  
Blogger Blair said...

Charlie, I see my attempt to treat you like a rational human being has failed. I didn't ask you why you found it amusing - I wouldn't have published it if I didn't think people would. But you accused me of immaturity, and since that has been an incongruous reaction compared to most of the rest of my readership, I wanted an explanation. If, however, you are just going to do the cyber-equivalent of sitting there giggling, then I guess I have nothing to be worried about. Even less so if your friends are some of the social retards I think they are who would be wise not to throw stones from those glass houses of theirs.

3:43 AM  
Blogger Charlie Tan said...

Golly, that was impressive.

Funny you should mention rationalism though. I devote quite a bit of my work to critiques of rationality (or rather the sad impoverished version of it that traditionalists and libertarians always invoke). So in that regard you may well find me irrational - although I prefer to think of it as having a more sophisticated understanding of logic, but perhaps that's just me being full of myself, y'know with that post-grad edookeyshun and all.

In any case, I'm off for a Waiheke weekend now, so I'll respond to your concerns later.

11:13 AM  
Blogger Charlie Tan said...


I got your mail, thanks. It wasn't Blair dicking around.


11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You complain about anothers blog yet this has to be one of the most pathetic threads I have ever read.

You can do much better than this.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Charlie Tan said...

Found a computer.

You're probably right graham.

Will stop there.

2:02 AM  

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